Hyderabadi Double ka Meetha - Bread Pudding

Double Ka Meetha is the Hyderabadi dessert made of  fried crispy bread,soaked in milk and cardamom syrup.Its also similar to Shahi Tukre.

I have put two method of dessert so it be easy for you to follow :)


6 slices of  bread and cut into shapes (one slice into two or four)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
4 cardamom (elaichis)
2 cup Ghee/Oil 
1 big pinch Saffron threads
1 Edible Silver Leaf (Warq) optional 

For Garnishing :

 Slices Almonds, Pistachios and Cashews fry until golden,about 3 minutes.
Khoa (optional)


In a large non-stick saucepan/Khadhai at medium heat, Fry the bread pieces in Ghee /oil till golden brown keep aside.

Then another saucepan at a medium heat add  milk, crush 2 cardamom and saffron let the milk  cook for 20 minutes,
Meanwhile prepare the sugar syrup add crush 2 cardamom powder till thicken,
Remove from the heat.
Then arrange fry breads on a plate.
Then pour sugar syrup over the bread,allow the bread to soak up the syrup
Then pour milk over the Bread,allow the bread to soak up the milk leave for 15 minutes.

Garnish with khoa, toasted Slices Almonds,Pistachios and Cashews.

You can Serve it warm/cold.

Second Method:

In a large non-stick saucepan/Khadhai at medium heat, Fry the bread pieces in Ghee /oil till golden brown keep aside.

Then another flat saucepan at a medium heat add  milk, crush 2 cardamom and saffron let the milk  cook for 20 minutes,then add sugar and stir it till its dissolved cook till it reduce to half it original quantity ,at very low heat  add the bread piece allow the bread to soak up the milk (Note : Milk need to be thick)
Remove from the heat.

Garnish with  Khoa,toasted Slices Almonds,Pistachios and Cashews.
You can Serve it warm/cold.
Enjoy it..!!


Familycook said…
Roha, perfectly done meetha!
Delicious meetha roha...nice clicks.
I love bread pudding and yours looks moist and wonderful! And serving with a cardamom syrup sounds delicious!!!
Delicious..What to say oher than that..
Happy diwali to you and to your family..

Dish In 30 minutes event with Giveaway
Reshmi Mahesh said…
Yummy looking double ka meetha....Happy Diwali to u and ur family...:)
Unknown said…
Glad to find your space Roha. Thanks for stopping by mine. following you back
Unknown said…
love shahi tukra....you have an amazing collection of hyderbadi recipes....surely will give it a try. i am following you.....thanks for your visit. glad if you follow me back.
This is my dad's favorite dish. mom used to make this all the time. Lovely dish Roha.
Unknown said…
Ohh this is totally tempting.. My frind u used to stay in Hyd had introduced me to double ka meetha
Amila said…
This looks delicious...
Thanks for linking with Event :Cook like a Celebrity Chef

& appreciate if you give a back link to event anouncement page to be qualified to final roundup...:)
Unknown said…
Wow thanks for linking to my event dear..:)hope you have made a separte post about my giveaway as mentioned in the rules :)

I too have this recipe on my blog:)

Grand Giveaway at SIRISFOOD.COM-Link in recipes and Win exciting prizes
preeti garg said…
Thanks for linking this entry with my WTML event
Unknown said…
Lovely presentation and they look delicious dear !!
Unknown said…
Bread pudding looks really very gorgeous and delicious. Lovely presentation Dear.
Unknown said…
Umm deep or shallow fry the breadin ghee??
Mrs.Ahmed said…
Deep fry the bread in ghee.
Unknown said…
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